Emotional Intelligence Assessment


EQ-i 2.0 is the only scientifically validated diagnostic tool for the measurement of emotional intelligence in the world.


If you're interested in learning more about your Emotional Intelligence and how you can develop it, you can invest in the EQ-i 2.0 assessment which complements my 1 : 1 Coaching sessions . The assessment takes about 20 minutes to complete online. Once your results are processed, we'll have a 60 minute coaching session to review your results and look at what all the scores mean, how you can develop the different parts of your EI, and how this applies to real-life scenarios. There is the option to have a follow-up 60 mins coaching session afterwards.

The EQ-i package costs £300.


What is Emotional Intelligence?


 EQ-i 2.0 is the only scientifically validated diagnostic tool for measuring Emotional Intelligence.

Emotional Intelligence is a term that was first used in the early nineties by researchers John Mayer and Peter Salovey. In 1996, psychologist Daniel Goleman later developed and redefined this term in his book "Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ". 

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is defined as the ability to identify, assess, and control one's own emotions, the emotions of others, and that of groups.

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is not a static 'score' and can be developed and strengthened over time if guidance and focused development is facilitated. It is a very beneficial tool for use in the workplace, and emotionally intelligent leaders are proven to be much more effective in the workplace; they are better at making decisions, listening, controlling impulsive reactions, defusing conflict and developing their teams. 

Generating and harnessing the EQ-i components (self-awareness, self-regulation; motivation; empathy and social skills) can lead to a more empowered, resilient, optimistic and caring workplace.

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